断补警告(OOS Warning)

这一页我放在游戏手册的第一页。请所有新人玩家在对局中务必开启OOS Warning。

OOS warning是pog的一个可选房规,其效果是,如果对方的某一轮次行动会使得你只通过移动将对方部队断补,则你有义务警告对方其移动“非法”。是为OOS Warning。








因此有了OOS Warning这条规则:使得自己会被对方断补的移动是非法的(注意:因为战后挺进而断补不在此列),并且对方有义务提醒你这一点。这相当于逼迫你维持补给线,我认为这是非常合理的要求,就像玩国际象棋的时候你不能把王走到会被对方吃掉的格子。



那么我推荐这些人去玩Operational Combat Series(OCS)。保证让您断补断个爽。



以下是一局不开OOS Warning的魔幻对局(全文引自@C:\):


随后就像很多一般局面一样,在ap事件意大利后cp开始暴打意大利人,但是在ap的兵力优势下,cp在意大利慢慢被赶了出去。这时无论是vp还是兵力,ap都还有绝对优势。随后,ap玩家做出了又一个影响整局游戏的决定:他开始从西线向德国推进。为此,他把大部分牌都花在了op上去不停顿地攻击,没有sr c去看住后方。随着ap的逐步推进,德国人被赶出了列日,ap以空的色当为界,分成了北部的布鲁塞尔-列日集团军群和南部的凡尔登集团军群。ap玩家当时看来,德国人在前线只有3mp的a,是无法一路打到奥斯坦德威胁agn,或者经由c-t,bld和第戎威胁ags的补给线的。




所以,有很多人的pog就变成了运动战,大家想方设法地去切断对方的补给。虽然从获得胜利的角度看,这么做没什么问题,但是显然这很不1ww。而且,一般一方玩家犯了一次这种大错,也就差不多意味着游戏结束了,之前的所有努力可能都比不过这一次失误。有些人认为,玩游戏就是为了赢,除此以外的其他都是次要的。对于这些人,可能也没什么可说的,毕竟这不是什么原则问题,我们也不能干涉这个合法的价值判断。但是,可能有些人玩pog是为了体验一下1ww,那么我们就可以看看有没有什么改进让它接近1ww。然后,我们就可以引入oos warning了。


附录. OOS Warning的原文

Supply warnings are generally intended to allow a player to retract, prevent, or otherwise adjust their move so that their units won’t be put out of supply. This is very common in email play as nobody likes to lose a game simply because their map wasn’t correct or they didn’t see the threat develop. Warnings should be posted in the ACTS log and should be specific as to which units are threatened. Failure to issue a warning precludes a player taking advantage of the OOS situation until the opponent has a chance to remediate it. Some specific examples of when they should (and shouldn’t) be issued:

  • The AP player makes a move that threatens to put several CP units OOS as a result of a SUBSEQUENT AP move. The AP player issues the OOS warning to the CP player so that he may respond accordingly.

  • The AP player makes a move and opens up a hole in his line that exposes his own units to being put OOS. The CP player alerts him before the CP move and the AP player can redo his entire move.

  • A supply warning DOES NOT need to be made if it requires a combat and advance after combat to generate the OOS situation.

  • A player may ignore an OOS warning. His opponent need not remind him of the same threat again and may freely put the threatened units OOS if the player chose to not respond to the threat.

  • A player may not issue an OOS warning on himself with the intent to redo a prior turn. Example: The AP moves and creates an OOS threat on his own units and neither player notices it. The CP player moves but does not put the AP units OOS. The AP player, in this situation, may not use the excuse of a ‘missed supply warning’ to redo his original move.

  • After a combat, an attacker SHOULD issue a supply warning if a defender retreats in a manner that a combat advance will put defending units OOS. The defender can freely adjust his retreat at this time.

  • It should be noted that there are numerous instances where a supply threat can be created, and executed upon (units put out of OOS), before the threatened player can respond. Note that even if the OOS threat is NOT executed upon, the supply warning should still be issued. (11/1/2017) Examples of where an OOS move can be executed without the ‘threatened’ being able to respond include:

    • Player A conducts an attack that results in Player B retreating a defending unit to a place from which it can, in its next round, put one or more Player A units OOS.

    • Player A conducts an attack that results in attacker losses that open a hole in Player A’s lines. On his next round, Player B may then take advantage of this hole in the line to put Player A units OOS.
